Man and Universe




universe, social relations, spiritual creativity, rules of thinking and behavior, picture of the world


The knowledge of the Universe is an integral part of understanding of human nature. People can perceive themselves, their nature, essence, relations with other people only through learning and understanding the world, the laws of evolution and existence.

The concept «universe» has specific historical content, which is determined by the state and level of culture, science, technology, social relations, and nature.

The concept of «world» covers the natural and artificial environment, social relations, spiritual world of man, ways and products of spiritual creativity.

A language arms people with the tools to develop the worldview and determines the rules of her thinking and behavior. People shape their thoughts and develop the view of the world, or the whole picture of the world, through the language.

The concept «reality» is considered to be all the things that people can speak about; all classes of objects which exist and surround us or are non-existent and imaginary but still people are able to distinguish and describe them.

The lingual world-image is based on the perception, thinking, and cognition of the world with its following reflection. As the basis of cognition the reflection can be thought to be similar for people who speak different languages.


Author Biography

Valentina Petrovna Simonok, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Doctor of Philology, Full Professor,

Head of the Department of Foreign Languages № 1




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How to Cite

Simonok, V. P. (2019). Man and Universe. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(15), 11.

