Subject of the contract of transport forwarding




transport forwarding contract, transport and forwarding activity, service agreement, subject of the contract


The essential conditions of any contract include the condition of its subject matter - exactly what the parties to the contract enter into legal relations. In the proposed article we explored the problem of determining the subject of the transport forwarding contract due to the fact that the Law of Ukraine "On Freight Forwarding Activity" lists only the structural elements of this contract. We determined the classification of terms of the contract of transport forwarding, investigated the expediency of such classification.

To date, it is difficult to imagine the development of trade, primarily international, without the development of transport infrastructure, without solving the problems of compatibility of national transport systems and related problems of legal regulation of the relationship between the participants in the transport process. As a result of the scientific and technological revolution in transport, the role of freight forwarding services in the organization of cargo transportation has increased. The modern forwarder acts on the world market of transport services not only as an intermediary, but also as an organizer of delivery of cargo under the scheme "from door to door". The economic expediency of carrying out the transportation process with the help of a freight forwarder is due to the fact that the freight forwarder, having the capabilities of both the cargo owner and the carrier, can choose the most rational ways of moving cargo, ensure full loading of vehicles, coordinate transportation by various modes of transport. Currently in Ukraine, the institute of transport expedition is regulated by the rules of law, which are not fully compatible with the relevant norms of developed countries and international conventions initiated by them.

The lack of proper legal regulation of the transport expedition contract hampers the normal development of Ukraine's foreign trade relations. It can be argued that the study of the problems of freight forwarding is dictated by a number of problems related to the legal regulation of freight forwarding services that exist in Ukrainian legislation at the present time.

It should be noted that the analysis of the norms of the Economic Code of Ukraine, the Civil Code of Ukraine and a number of normative and legal acts make it possible to identify a number of shortcomings and gaps in the legal regulation of the transport expedition contract and their inconsistency with international conventions and treaties. Up to now, the problem of determining the subject of the contract of transport forwarding and highlighting its special features is in need of improvement.

Author Biography

Микола Петрович Довгуша, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine, Kyiv

Applicant of the Department of Civil Law


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How to Cite

Довгуша, М. П. (2018). Subject of the contract of transport forwarding. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(14), 6.



Civil law and civil procedure