Civil-law characteristic of the contract of electronic money issue




electronic money, issue of electronic money, the contract of electronic money issue, civil-law characteristics of the contract of electronic money issue


The article is devoted to the analysis of the civil-law nature of the contract of electronic money issue. A civil-law description of the contract of electronic money issue on the main criteria for the classification of contracts in civil law. The author's concept of the contract of electronic money issue is proposed, which reflects its essential features. Some shortcomings of the current legislation have been identified in this area, and ways of improving it have been proposed. 

The author points out, that legal research on electronic money is more about definition of their economic and legal nature. In the same time, the problems of issuing of electronic money and contractual forms, that mediate such emissions, undeservedly left without attention. The issue of electronic money always precedes their further distribution and circulation, that is why civil-legal analysis of the contract of electronic money issue is needed.

The article justifies conclusion, that the contract of electronic money issue is an agreement aimed at providing banking services, mutual, repayable and real. In most cases, such a contract will be public and may be described as an interconnection agreement. In the article author formulates the definition of the contract of electronic money issue.

The author states, that the civil-law regulation of electronic money circulation today is at the stage of its formation. Detailed study of the obligations arising from the contract of electronic money issue is required. In general, the dynamics of the development of relations associated with the use of electronic money, mediates global changes in legislation, which provides the regulation of such relationships. Thereby, scientific research in this area will remain relevant for a long time.

Author Biography

Арсен Миколайович Ісаєв, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law No. 1


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How to Cite

Ісаєв, А. М. (2018). Civil-law characteristic of the contract of electronic money issue. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(14), 2.



Civil law and civil procedure