Providing child’s best interests at the review of cases on adoption by the court




proceedings in case of adoption, best interests of the child, taking into account children's interests by court, convention, national legislation.


The article is devoted to the study of the concept "best interests of the child" and their providing in the court proceedings on adoption. Analyzes the international and national documents in the field of adoption in terms of the normative consolidation this concept. It is noted that the highest priority is given to the best interests of the child, established in Art. 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is an included principle underlying the implementation of all rights enshrined in the Convention. Thus, in the recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, guaranteeing the best interests of the child is considered by the court as a guideline for the all actions concerning children and adoption also.

Methodological basis for this study is a set of scientific methods, among which the main are the methods of system and comparative legal analysis, logical comparison, and matching.

Due to the absence of a complete content of "best interests of the child" in the national legislation, examples of the definition this principle by the domestic scientists are given. The author makes a scientific supposition about the legal nature of "best interests of the child" in the civil process. The national judicial practice of application and interpretation of the principle of "best interests of the child" in the case of adoption cases is analyzed.

The result of the study is the discovery of disagreements in the terminology of the national legal framework, and therefore the author concludes that there is a need to make appropriate modifications in order to formulate a uniform judicial practice and further scientific research of the "best interests of the child" at the review of cases on adoption by the court.

Author Biography

Ya. S. Tubolceva, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Postgraduate student of the Department of Civil Procedure


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How to Cite

Tubolceva, Y. S. (2018). Providing child’s best interests at the review of cases on adoption by the court. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(14), 7.



Civil law and civil procedure