Social protection and social security in the conditions of Ukraine’s Eurointegration: selected aspects


  • Anastasia Klimenko Харківський національний університет внутрішніх справ, Ukraine



social security, international legal standards, acts of the ILO


The state of affairs in our country from the point of view of observance of standards was analyzed, it is indicated that the problem of realization of international legal guarantees of citizens' social rights and international legal obligations ofUkraineon modernization of the existing system of social protection in national legislation remains unresolved. In the vast majority of cases, laws on the ratification of international treaties are adopted without the simultaneous adoption of new or amending existing laws ofUkrainearising from these treaties. Consequently,Ukrainerecognizes international standards in the social sphere, but does not take adequate measures for their practical implementation.

The International Labor Organization has set the foundation for basic social standards. This was reflected in the definition of types of benefits and conditions for their appointment, the establishment of a list of social risks in which the person acquires social security rights, and also their normative minimum standards were developed and fixed – the size, duration of disbursements, the range of persons to which it was distributed and other

According to the Council of Europe and European Union standards, social security is included in the system, which includes, apart from social security (through social insurance), other forms of social protection, in particular, state social assistance, as well as special and special (additional) social protection for certain categories people.

Nowadays there is a need for a gradual reform of the domestic social security system in order to maximize its approach to the relevant international standards enshrined in the acts of the ILO.

Author Biography

Anastasia Klimenko, Харківський національний університет внутрішніх справ

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How to Cite

Klimenko, A. (2017). Social protection and social security in the conditions of Ukraine’s Eurointegration: selected aspects. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(12), 9.

