Тhe interpretation of specificity to voting through representative system in the general election of the head of region in Іndonesia
Voting Place, Representative System, Constitutional InterpretationAbstract
The journal purposes to examine The Interpretation of Specificity to Voting through Representative System in the General Election of the Head of Region. This study is a legal study conducted through library research, using conceptual and statute approach. The results of the study indicate that the collection conducted through the system of representation in the general election or the general election of the head of region based on customary law or customs and mutual agreement in Yahukimo Regency (Papua Province) and Bali Province is constitutional. With respect to voters exercising their voting right more than once or election represented in a vote based on mutual consent or agreement is constitutional and lawful given that the system or model of election has become a habit and there is Number element of compulsion from the Balinese people applied in The General Election or The General Election of The Head of Region. The General Election of The Head of Region conducted in the Province of Bali in which there are elections represented then it is permissible and legitimate and Numbert contrary to the constitution in accordance with the phrase of legal considerations from decision of the Constitutional Court which states against such things, because it is a habit And has been accepted by each party, as evidenced by the absence of objection from the voting place from each candidate pair. Based on the provision of Article 22E Paragraph (1) of the Implementation of General Election, including The General Election of The Head of Region after entering The General Election regime based on Law Number 22 of 2007 on the Organizer of The General Election and Law Number 12 2008 on Regional Government is implemented in a direct, public, free, secret, honest and fair every five years.
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