Implementation of the principles of regulation of the securities market of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the implementation of such principles in Ukraine




state regulation, securities market, stock market, National Commission for securities and stock market of Ukraine, International Organization of Securities Commissions, principles of IOSCO


On 26 September 1996, the Commission is a permanent member and the only representative from UkraineThe international organization of securities commissions (International Organization of Securities Commissions-IOSCO).

IOSCO has brought together more than 180 regulatory authorities of the countries of the world with the purpose of cooperation, exchange of information, joint development of the best standards of securities regulation, with the subsequent introduction of the national markets of the Member States.

The main work of the organization is in the development of international standards and recommendations concerning the regulation of securities. Documents developed by IOSCO, ignored many other international organizations, including the World Bank Group, OECD, regional development banks (EBRD), the International Committee on accounting standards, the Basel Committee on banking supervision, etc.

The Commission last years successfully works on the harmonization of national legislation in accordance with international standards IOSCO Principles and, in particular, with the aim of joining the Multilateral memorandum of understanding on advice and cooperation and information exchange of the international organization of securities markets regulators paper (IOSCO MMoU).

Accession to the above-mentioned Multilateral memorandum provided by the Coalition Agreement and the Complex program of development of the financial sector to 2020 year.

Author Biography

Ганна Миколаївна Шовкопляс, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Cand. lawyer Sciences, associate professor of economic law department


Pro ekonomichnu i finansovu polityku: Memorandum mizh Ukrainoiu ta Mizhnarodnym valiutnym fondom vid 27.02.2015 r. (2015). URL: document?id=20163929 [in Ukrainian].

Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation. URL: library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD561.pdf.

Poliukhovych, V.I. (2012). Derzhavne rehuliuvannia fondovoho rynku Ukrainy: hospodarsko-pravovyi mekhanizm. Kyiv: NDI pryvatnoho prava i pidpryiemnytstva NAPrN Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].

Methodology For Assessing Implementation of the IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation. URL:



How to Cite

Шовкопляс, Г. М. (2017). Implementation of the principles of regulation of the securities market of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the implementation of such principles in Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(12), 6.

