Systematic approach to anti-corruption compliance
state system of Ukraine, verbal model of the problem of corruption, preventing of corruptionAbstract
Corruption has become a real threat to the independence of the Ukrainian state. Developing effective measures to prevent it is a challenge for the future existence of the country.
System engineering is a recognized methodology for solving problems in systems. Our own experience confirms the prospect of using a systematic approach to solving the problem of corruption.
Formulating a problem is a mandatory step in any scientific research. Therefore, the task of our work, we determined the formalization of the problem of corruption on the basis of system engineering.
The problem is the discrepancy between the desired (existing, expected, compulsory) state of things in the system and the results of its functioning.
The results of their own work substantiate three problems, which are caused by corruption in the state system of Ukraine, and construct their verbal models.
The first problem. In connection with corrupt acts, the normative functionality of state entities with equal, unbiased and free access of the population to social benefits is replaced by their optional and selective functionality (according to the personal interests of corrupt persons). But the actual functionality of the state system of Ukraine is problematically not consistent with its official purpose. And corruption in the state of Ukraine replaces its official appointment (guaranteeing human rights and freedoms) to another - guaranteeing personal interests and the needs of corrupt officials.
The second problem caused by corruption is the problem of interaction of the state system of Ukraine with its environment.
The third problem caused by corruption is the problem of inconsistency of the structure, composition and processes of interaction of certain parts of the system of the state of Ukraine with the aims of its creation.
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