The legal system of Ukraine in the context of globalization.


  • О. О. Сидоренко Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



globalization, law, globalization processes, international law


Problem statement. Globalization is universal in nature and the nature of the phenomenon. It covers not only the global economy, finance, the media, where it manifests itself in the most developed form, and other areas of public life, including the right. This right is not just a means of securing formal processes of globalization and manages, but also feel the same on their part to significant influence. In this regard, the study of any issues related to the transformation of legal phenomena and processes in the context of globalization, today is important.

The topical value of the research. A characteristic feature of the modern world is the interpenetration of cultures and principles of law that can be described by such concepts as convergence, integration, assimilation, creative interaction. Covered by the notions of dynamic processes on the one hand, contribute to the formation of a unified world community on the other, accompanied by contradictory processes aimed at identifying cultural identity, legal autonomy and generate a number of important theoretical and practical issues affecting the different sides of law. It comes to the requirements that apply modern legal systems globalization. These requirements cannot be underestimated, since all legal systems regardless of their own free will involve in the changes that are taking place and the conditions of their existence.

The aim of the article. The relevance of the proposed research problems caused by the realities of today. In the context of globalization there is a need for theoretical and methodological understanding the nature and trends of the national legal system. The new research paradigms based legal system in the science of state and law, which is important for the formation of legal awareness and implementation of the rule of law in Ukraine.

Historical experience shows that proclaimed as universal determinants «universal values» are not always relevant to national legal systems. Templates mechanically transferred often are not zhyttyediyalnymy because it does not take into account the features of the mentality and legal culture, formed in a particular society in the historical and cultural development.

The effectiveness and viability of the legal system reflected in the extent to which the modern state links its development with the formation of legal awareness; develop legal culture, the achievement of stability in the legal intrastate and international relations.

The article is a review of the main approaches to understanding the processes of globalization, the analysis of the forms and directions of separating from related processes and phenomena that determine the trends of the legal system of Ukraine in the context of globalization.

An example of the impact of globalization on the legal system of the state is to take 4 November 1950 in Rome ten member states of the Council of Europe (Belgium, UK, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, France) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the establishment to ensure obligations under the Convention 21 January 1959 the European court of human rights to consider complaints of violations of the Convention. Ratification of the European Convention enables all persons under its jurisdiction; apply to the European Court if they believe their rights have been violated. This also applies to citizens of Ukraine, which is confirmed by Article 55 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

The main systemic risk factor in the formation of a single global world economy that emerged in the context of globalization is that the global economy with its inherent system of international economic relations is increasingly spreading properties market economy as a system of self-organizing, with very weak, uncertain and unstable, crisis management processes.

In modern conditions of statehood in Ukraine has intensified the process of reform and renewal of national legislation. These processes caused the transformation period of society and the complexity of social relations that requires not only the most improvement of regulations, but also enhance research problems of formation of law, rulemaking and institute the right.

Rule-making in the context of globalization transformed primarily towards the expansion of its social base, that an increasing number of takes not passive, but active and direct participation in the process. This process is transformed and influenced by the fact that in the legal field, new problems whose solution requires mandatory legal regulations at national and supranational levels. Environmental issues, security of information. Demographics require a new approach and new thinking, in which the need to combine all aspects of legal regulation. It would be fair comment is that globalization requires a different view of the rulemaking process, in accordance with other principles of regulation of modern social processes. He has held ethical turn in international relations, which are based need to put ethical principles of human existence in the world: justice, freedom, equality, consensus pluralism. It is impossible to ignore the legal framework traditions and mentality of peoples and impose uniform legal norms.

One of the fundamental problems is the right exercise control globalization, harmonization of processes and neutralization of negative consequences. The right should act as a tool of globalization while managing its processes means. The process of globalization in the legal field is developing in two directions, which represent only the transformation of law. On the one hand, it is clear the impact globalization processes on the right, resulting in convergence and convergence of our legal systems. This formed the general trends of development, which include a tendency implementation of national legal systems universally recognized norms and principles; the emergence of new areas of law, such as space, information, change of legislation in connection with the integration processes and more. On the other hand, through the law attempts to steer globalization in a certain way, for example, the introduction of domestic law standards of other countries, thus adapted to the mentality of national legal and other historical and cultural features.

Conclusions of the research. So whatever aspects of life of law did not affect the process of globalization should not be destroying national legal cultures. Identity national legal cultures preserved, including the identity of law. States can borrow one of the same law, institutions, law, but the legal system as a whole. Also integrated into the legal system of foreign law acquire national identity in the process of their application. This suggests that the relative autonomy law.

Author Biography

О. О. Сидоренко, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

канд. юрид. наук, асистент кафедри теорії держави і права


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How to Cite

Сидоренко, О. О. (2016). The legal system of Ukraine in the context of globalization. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(9), 4.

